Whether you are a professional developer or a beginner wanting to enjoy the experience of using WordPress. At some point in time, you will come across several errors such as ERR_Too_Many_Redirects; internal sever, white screen, and many more.

Undoubtedly, WordPress is one of the stable and reliable website builders available on the Internet. Although, encountering these sorts of issues can be very exhausting for the beginners. The error that bothers users the most is ERR_Too_Many_Redirects. If you run into these issues consistently and looking for a guide to get rid of these errors, then you are at the right place.

In this roundup, we will highlight how this issue is caused and how you can fix ERR_Too_Many_Redirects error not just on Google Chrome but on Firefox and Safari.

What is Err_ Too_Many_Redirects?

If you are using Firefox, the error will be displayed as “The page is not redirecting properly“ while on Google, it will be shown as “This webpage has a redirect loop.”

 Nonetheless, these issues are an alert that you have misconfigured WordPress settings. That is why your website gets stuck on a redirection loop and keeps redirecting you back and forth.

Here is what your browser will display when this error occurs.

Page with Err_too_many_redirects

A lot of other things cause these errors. Usually, it occurs due to Incompatible plugins, themes, WordPress versions, or web server issues. Don’t worry; you can fix these errors within a few moments.

How to Get Rid of The Err_Too_Many-Redirects Error

In order to fix the ERR_Too_Many_Redirects issue, you need to recognize the reason why this error is occurring, and after you have identified it, you can set it quickly. That being said, follow the instructions given below to learn how to identify and fix these sorts of issues.

1. Check URL Settings

Checking the URL settings is the most prime thing before you troubleshoot the errors. Moreover, there are two different ways you can use to securitize URL settings.

First Step: Check URL Settings Via Administrator Dashboard

First of all, you need to click on Settings in the WordPress administration area, and the general setting will open by default. Now ensure your Site URL Address and WordPress URL Address is correct. If the URL addresses aren’t precise, then change them accordingly.

Steps to fix err_too_many_redirects error

After making the changes don’t forget to click the Save Changes icon available on the settings page below.

Second Step: Manually Check URL Via File Manager

Most likely, once you bump into err_too_many_redirects error, you will not have access to your administration area of WordPress installation.

Although, you can change the URL settings through your WP-Config.php folder. There are two ways to edit the file. Either you can revise by downloading, uploading, and updating the data through your FTP client or by editing the file via File Manager. Here is how you will be able to edit the file through file manager:

  • Go to your hosting control panel and access the file manager.
  • Now open the wp-config.php file.
  • Click edit.
How to manually check URL on WordPress
  • At the end of the code, add the following lines (of course substitute “example.com” with the name of your website.)



  • Make sure to save changes by clicking the Save icon
  • Now visit the website and see whether changing the WordPress URL settings fixed the error.

2. Clear Website Cookies

These cookies allow browser and website to monitor your online activity and save certain information such as passwords and account names. ERR_Too_Many_Redirects errors often appear due to outdated or corrupted cookies.

Henceforth, it’s better to wipe out the cookies and then troubleshoot the process. Deleting cookies can be done easily by just clearing your browser history. However, if you don’t want to wipe out certain cookies, follow the instructions stated below to remove specific website cookies.

First Step: Delete Cookies on Google Chrome

  • To See all Cookies and Site Data paste “chrome://settings/content/cookies” on Google’s address bar.
  • Click on “See all cookies and site data” to access the cookies list
Clear cookies Google Chrome
  • You can delete cookies by inserting the name of a specific website in the Cookie search icon. Once you have found the specific cookie you want to remove, delete it clicking on the bin icon.
Remove cookies on Google Chrome to solve err_too_many_redirects

Second Step: Delete Cookies on Firefox

  • You can wipe out the Cookies in Firefox by going into Preferences >> Privacy and Security and then click on the Manage Data Icon.
Clear cookies on Firefox to fix err-to-many-redirects error
  • Input in the search field the name of the cookies’ website you want to delete. Once you have found it, click on “Cancel.”

Third Step: Delete Cookies on Safari

  • Go to Preferences >> Privacy and then click on Manage Website Data.
Delete cookies on Safari
  • Use the search field to find the specific website you want the cookies to be deleted. Click on “Remove” to clear the cookies from Safari.
Remove cookies on Safari

3.  Delete WordPress Cache

You can also fix the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS issue by logging into WordPress admin and deleting the website cache.

In fact, you can delete the cache by using the popular caching plugins of WordPress. For instance, you can use WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache, Autoptimize, Breeze or WP Super Cache to continue the deleting process.

Follow the guidelines given below to clear Cache.

  • Install one of the plugins mentioned above. In this case we have installed Autoptimize.
  • Several plugins like Autoptimize and Breeze add a menu in the top bar of the WordPress dashboard. Go on the link with the cursor and click on “Delete Cache”.
How to Delete WordPress with Autoptimize
  • Other plugins, such as WP Super Cache may not have the menu in the top bar. In this case, go to Settings >> WP Super Cache and click on “Delete Cache.”
Delete cache wordpress to solve err_too_many_redirects error
  • Visit Settings >> WP Super Cache after logging into your WordPress dashboard
  • In order to clear the cached file click on the Delete Cache icon.

4. Disable and Re-enable Plugins

Outdated or misconfigured plugins are also another reason why this error occurs. In this case, you need to disable all the plugins and reactivate them one by one until you isolate the one causing the issue.

The procedure to disable your plugins depends on if you can access your WP dashboard or not. The following are the steps to follow in both scenarios.

If You Can Access the WP Dashboard

  • Go to the Plugins menu.
  • Check the Plugins box to bulk select all the plugins.
  • Select “Deactivate” and then click on “Apply”
  • At this point, reactivate the plugins one by one. As you find the one causing the issue, delete it or check its settings to resolve the conflict.
Deactivate plugins on WordPress

If You Cannot Access the WP Dashboard

In the case the err_too_many_redirects prevents you from accessing the WordPress dashboard, you can disable the plugins and solve the error by gaining access to your website server file using FTP client. You can disable all the plugins by simply following the instructions highlighted below.

  • Go to your website hosting control panel and access file manager.
Access File Manager
  • Look for the folder wp-content. Inside this folder you will find the folder Plugins.
  • Right click on the Plugins folder and rename it “plugins-deactivate.” Save and all your plugins will be deactivated. (Don’t worry, you will not loose any data!)
Deactivate plugins from FTP to solve err_too_many_redirects error
  • Go to your WP dashboard and if the issue was with your plugins you will be now able to access it.
  • Go back to your file manager. Rename the folder “plugins-deactivated” back to “plugins”
  • From the WP Dashboard, activate the plugins one by one until you find the one causing the err_too_many_redirects error. Remove it or change the settings to solve the error.

5. Checking HTTPS and CDN Settings

Most of the time, the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS issue occurs when there is a problem with your HTTPS setting. It also occurs because of a misconfigured SSL plugin or an outdated SSL certificate. Furthermore, you can use the SSL Server Test tool to identify whether the website address is working correctly or there is an expired SSL certificate.

In case, if you use CDN (Content Delivery Network) such as Cloudflare then ensure that the service is not causing the error. Check the HTTPS settings on CDN or try to purge the CDN cache.


When you have identified the issue which causes ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS WordPress, you will be able to fix this problem without getting exhausted.

In this guide, we have highlighted the five most effective ways to quickly fix the Err_too_many_redirects error. If you come across any of such error, keep your calm and implement these ways to get rid of these errors. Also, don’t forget to share if you encountered this issue in the past And how did you solve it, in the comment section available below.

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